Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Whistler - the Update

Hey bros,

still, I am in Whistler and I enjoy the riding to the fullest, despite the cold weather. Lately we have a lot of rain, and the trails are quite sketchy to ride - but that's okay.
So far, all four of us are still fine, but not our bikes. My Marzocchi 66 got a new ATA travel adjustment cap during Crankworx, cuz the fork downtraveled itself all the time. Later, the Thru-Axle came out and so I got a new one - again from Marzocchi Canada.

Yesterday, when I made a non-stop ride from the top of the Mountain, called Garbanzo, the fork compressed and remained at 10cm travel...too bad.
The whole downhill took me 32min - non stop - hiting famous trails like Freight Train, In Deep, Dirt Merchant and so on...the level of riders here is just so insane - and no wonder. The riding in the Garbanzo Area is what I truly call "Big Mountain" freeride and reminds me of skiing in the winter - open spaces, great view over the mountains and lakes - big hits, and rocky , loose terrain - the open spaces give u really a feeling of freedom, while the lower part of the park is more congested, and trails are closer to each other.
Luckily one mechanic here (the only one in whole Whistler) was able to fix today I will kill it again. The shops here are incredible - whatever you ask for they have it.

The skills really improved, and the riding here is very different from Europe and Asia of course.
It is not so much about gaps and drops, but rather technical, very steep trails with blank rock faces and roots - the way I love it.

I really fear that I will not like riding anymore once I hit our boring home trails again :) This is too great, and I will miss it so much!

I am here until the 5th september, then I will head for Seattle to see my friend at CORSAIR Bikes and also the guy that makes the OBTAINIUM Ti-Springs.
A few days later I will hit Vancouver's Northshore along with Wade Simmons if I am lucky enough, and then I will fly back to Munich on 9/11 :)

So far guys...if you really wanna know what freeride is all about - come to Whistler - it will open your eyes - it's the holy ground for a reason!

Gone riding, Felix

P.S. Concerning requests to help on selling bikes - please come back on me around 15th. - I will move during that time, so I will be busy, but I am willing to help for sure! :)